
Hello! I’m Kari, writer-in-chief here at My Tai. I’m a native Californian and an adoptive Seattleite who recently relocated to Taipei with my husband and a soccer ball that we sometimes take on walks. I’m an editor and an educator by trade, but until the dust settles and proper documentation is in order, my occupational titles include Professional Tourist and Project Manager: Domestic Market. My Tai documents Taipei life through the eyes of an American gal.

7 thoughts on “About”

  1. Bob Schiro said:

    I think Project Manager: Domestic Market is brilliant. I would characterize my job as Anxiety Manager: Financial Market.

  2. I like that you occasionally take the soccer ball on walks. I bet it gets bored shut up in the house all day! 🙂

  3. Adorable picture of you! Very excited for this blog.

  4. Julia Bayer said:

    Glad I found your blog from Mara’s blog. I was actually going to email you and ask you to start a blog. Anyway, James and I are in awe of your apartment it looks like a hotel!

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