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Today you’re in for a treat! Mr. Perry, my husband, presents…a guest post! Enjoy!

As a departure from the usual witty writing and unusual photos, I’m bringing you a guest post on a trend that is sweeping the nation*!

I’m not going to try to argue that Taiwanese are more into trends than Americans because that’s a lost cause (see “put a bird on it”, “crunking,” or any of the other trends that people have flocked (or danced) to, for no apparent reason).

There do, however, seem to be several differences in Taiwanese trending as compared to American trendsetters. For one, by the time most trends gain popularity in the US, a substantial portion of the public is already making fun of the trends and their followers (see Ugg boots circa 2001, Crocs circa 2005, cork platforms circa 2011, and designer rain boots circa 2013).

There isn’t much Mr.stery to the current trend in Taiwan:

Mister Perry PresentsHere, “Mr.” is clearly associated with wealth and foreignness. Just take a look at the noses on Mr. Brown, Mr. Mark, and Mr. Onion. Thankfully the “big nose jobs”—when a token foreigner is hired for the day to present a western face in a business meeting—don’t seem to be prevalent here, in contrast to China where they are far from uncommon.

The current “Mr.” trend seems to be based on a “me too” model of brand/product development: Someone comes up with a decent idea, and others successfully copy it (see Hanco’s vs. Henry’s: The Vietnamese Sandwich Shop Battle). However, there is often a price to pay when solely relying on other people’s ideas for your own success, mainly that you are always one step behind and, therefore, that much closer to extinction. My outsider view of Taiwan is that many of the ideas here fall into this “me too” category. There are, however, some notable exceptions.

I recently saw the founder of MINIWIZ—a company that designs and manufactures recycled products ranging from skyscrapers to boats—berate his fellow industry colleagues for failing to make their products “sexy” enough.

Unfortunately, there is also a price to pay for being the first in your field. For MINIWIZ that price was the sinking of their “polli-boat,” when they learned the hard way that recycled glue just doesn’t hold like the traditional environmentally unfriendly varieties.

Still, MINIWIZ seems to be on the right track. The MINIWIZ message is “100% Trashy, 100% Stylish, 100% Better Performance, 0% Virginity,” and that’s certainly going to garner more attention than “Mr. Wish: Big thirst, Big wish.”


*I have no idea when this trend started or if it really is sweeping the nation.